martes, 31 de julio de 2012

Second Entry Intermediate English I

The last Friday 27, I had my second teaching practicum with the group of intermediate. I arrived very early, but the students always come to class late; that´s why it is kind of hard to do the warm up activity since they are getting one by one to the classroom, and I have to explain every single student what they are supposed to do (it is something I hate). Anyway, I decided to do a wordsearch as a warm up because I was supposed to do a review of the simple past tense. This wordsearch contained about 20 regular and irregular verbs in their past form, so I thought this would be a good idea for them to remember about how the verbs are written and pronounced in the past form; it was kind of difficult to find the verbs, so I asked them to work in groups of 5 or 6, and the group finishing first was the winner. I think they liked this activity although it is not that dynamic. 

I took a very nice dialogue for them to remember the affirmative, negative, and interrogative form of the simple past tense. I gave them some minutes to read it, then, I read it to them so that they could listen to the pronunciation, and at the end, I required some volunteers to perform the dialogue. 
Later, I explained them some of the use of the that tense and I provide some examples. I asked them to provide some examples as well. Then, I had them doing some written exercises, and to finalize the class I did a story telling activity in which they had to use the simple past in the oral form. In order to develop this activity, I took a picture of a princess and a witch so that they could invent like a tale or story; I aked them to do a big circle and to say at least 3 sentences using the simple past. I began the tale, and then, each student would add a short part. I guess they liked this activity, and I think it is extremely helpful when teaching this tense since it contributes to check if the students are using the tense properly; in the case of this group, I could notice that there are still some students struggling with the correct use of it.

I think it was a nice class, but as always, there are still some weaknesses which I need to work on to keep improving as a teacher. My tutor told me to be firmer and not to let them use their native tongue, which is something I will definitely consider in further classes. 

jueves, 19 de julio de 2012


This morning I had the first teaching practicum with Intermediate English I. First of all, I would like to say that teaching English is such a great experience and I already learned to like it and enjoy it. 
Today was the first time in which I felt comfortable and relaxed before teaching my class although I was worried because the group is very large and kind of difficult to handle. 
I began my class with a very nice warm up, but unfortunately there were just few students, and it was kind of hard to explain each student that was coming in what they were supposed to do, but at the end they were speaking and the teacher told me during the feedback that she had liked the it because I had them speaking a lot.
I was requiered to teach the present continuous tense, it was an easy topic, so I introduced it with a short reading, luckly everything went well. After that, I gave the grammar explanation and I had them doing some written practice with the tense I had just explained; I checked their answers and they did it well. To finish the class, I had them doing work group in which I gave them some pictures, and they were requiered to write a short paragraph about what they saw the people were doing in the image; at the end they had to present the picture and share the paragraph with the rest of the class. 
During the feedback the teacher told me that I did well and that all the activities matched with my objective; she liked that I had them speaking and participating a lot.