viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012


My second practice with this group was satisfactory. This time I felt more comfortable with this group, so I gave my best to teach them. 
The video of my class was being recorded during this practice, but I didn´t feel uncomfortable or nervous as I thought I would be. 
This time I was supposed to have the students practicing the future tense (be goin to, will and present continuous), but speaking and free practice mainly, so I began the class with a warm up using some scrambled sentences written in the tense I mentioned before.
I continued with a listening and then I had them doing a fill in the gaps exercises mixing up the three structures. 
After that, I asked them create groups and I had them discussing and making predictions about certain statement regarding their future. They were standing up and moving around while doing this activity.As I follow up activity, I asked some voluteers to share with the rest of the class what they were discussing in their groups.
Later, I continued  with a "chain story" activity for which I provide some cards containing some words and verbs related to the future, and  they had to use them to invent their story about making predictions regarding a person´s future or their own. During this activity they were working in trios. While I was monitoring I could listen to them speaking a lot using the structures to invent the story. Unfortunately, due to time issues, I wasn´t able to ask and hear all the groups sharing their stories with the class; I just had the chance to listen to a couple of them what they had invented. I think they enjoyed this activity and they had fun while working on it because some of them were inventing funny stories.

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

First teaching practicum with Intermediate English I

My first class with this group went pretty well even though I was kind of nervous because it is a new group for me and I don´t know them so well. 
I began the class some minutes later because just few students had arrived to the classroom. 
As a warm up I used a bingo which was about stative verbs ( stative and dynamic verbs was the topic I was to teach) all the students enjoyed the game and at the same time it helped me to introduce the new topic. After that, to formally introduce the topic I used a short paragraph which they had to read and underline the mistakes; the mistakes were some stative verbs written in the progressive form, and I got surprised because they immdiately identified them. As a follow up activity, we corrected the mistakes. Later, I gave the grammar explanation; luckly, this time doing this part wasn´t that difficult. Then, I had them doing a written practice which they developed properly. Furthermore, I had them doing a miming activity; in order to do this activity I ask some students to mimic and make gestures regarding a verb, and the rest of the students had to raise their hand and tell me if it was dynamic or stative and a sentence using such verb. If they did it accurately, I was supposed to give them a point. During this activity I could verify that the students actually grasped the new topic because they participated properly saying if the verb was stative or dynamic and using it in a correct sentence as well.  
As a wrap up, I had the students working on a exercise from the book. 
As I said before this class went allright, and I hope the coming classes turn out great as well.