jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012


Well, my first experience with this group wasn´t that bad, but it wasn´t that good either. However, I feel as if I´m moving backwards instead of moving forwards in my learning process to be a teacher; honestly, I already proved that teaching is definitely not my thing. 
Anyways, for this class I had prepared a very nice warm up, but it didn´t worked out as I expected. It was for students to fresh up their minds about verbs that take infinitives, verbs that take gerunds and both; For this activity I took to the class a set of verbs for each group and a chart with each category, and I asked the students to form four groups. When I read a verb, it was supposed that someone from the group had to go to the board to paste the verb in the right category; the first group doing it properly would get a point, but it became a whole mess because only two groups were participating and some students got too excited to past it first that they even ripped off the chart from the board and they were making too much noise, so I had to stop the activity.
The follow up activity was an exercise on the book in which they had to underline the correct form of gerund or infinitive, and they did it right. 
I had prepared a short listening, so I began with the pre activity and everybody participated, unfortunately, when I was going to play the listening there was no electricity. I felt kind of frustrated in that moment, but anyways I continued with another activity, and all the students were working. There I realized that it is always necessary to have a "plan B" because you never know what can go as you haven´t planned.
To finish the class I had two students doing a practice for impromptu speeches because my tutor teacher asked me to do so.

2 comentarios:

  1. It's always the unexpected situations the ones that challenge us the most. However, it's a good sign that you were able to move on and continue the class.

  2. OMG!!! unexpected situations always give us some headaches, but I could see that even though those problems happened, you were able to deal with them and move on in your class..It is useful to have a "plan B" as you said because in that way we can know what to do if unexpected situations happen.
