jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012


Before to start I´d like to say that I´m so glad that I finally finished my teaching practicum. It hasn´t been so easy, but I´ve learned a lot. 
For the very first time I wasn´t nervous before starting the class.
As a warm up, I had the students playing the "hot patato" game; the person who got the ball had to answer a question using "used to". After that, I had them working with a listening from the book which was also related to the topic "used to". For this class I was supposed to do only practice since the teacher had previously explained the grammar part.
After the listening, I had them working on a fill in the gaps exercise. Later, they worked on a short reading which talked about childhood memories, and taking as a model the paragraph I asked the students to write some sentences to talk about their childhood memories. As a follow up activity, I asked them to stand up and go around the classroom to share with their classmates what they had written. 
I tried to get students practicing the four macro skills of the target language, so I guess it was a good class. 

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