jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012


Today I taught my third class with Intermediate English I. I must say that I feel really happy for this is almost the end of my teaching practicum. 
This time I felt things went so much easier, maybe because of the experience I have acquired throughout this course or probably the topic was kind of easy. I had  to teach the present perfect: simple and progressive. 
I began the class with a warm up related to vocabulary. After that I gave the grammar explanation. Later, I had them doing a fill in the blanks exercise which was a dialogue. When they had finished, I checked that everybody had answer properly, and I ask some of them to perform the dialogue in front of the class. 
After that, I had them developing an activity "find someone who". Because of time I had to stop them; they were enjoying and speaking a lot. Unfortunately, I didn´t have enough time to develop some exercises I had planned, but in general, I think it was a good class. 

4 comentarios:

  1. I think we all have gotten experience regarding teaching. There are some aspects that we might not be able to manage yet such as time, but year after year we will learn how to do it. I am sure that your activities were nice as you had students working and practicing about the target grammar. Unfortunately you could not develop the rest of activities but it shows that you were ready with more activities for students to practice the language

  2. I think that after a year, we have learned many things related to teaching matters. That is why, you feel that the teaching process is easier. Now, I can see how comfortable you feel with your job, and I like it because you are growing as a professional. Congrats!

  3. I am happy you have improved a lot and let me tell you that I am also willing to finish with my last class, and it is not because I don't like it but I really want to have a rest.
    It is pretty nice when at the end, the students do the exercises properly because it gives you the idea that the students and you have done a great job.

  4. Thank you to all of you guys for your comments. I guess we all are happy because we finished with our teaching practicum... I learned a lot from you guys by reading your blog entries and your comments :)
