miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Last Teaching Practicum With Intermediate II

Before beginning my entry about my last practice, I want to say that I really liked this experience even though it caused me to be anxious and nervous in some times, but I learned many things regarding with teaching English; besides, it has given me a great personal satisfaction because I did many things which I thought I would never be able of doing so. 

Everything went well in my last; fortunately the warm up I had prepared worked out as I expected. 
I was required to teach the students the use of MAKE and LET, so it was an easy topic. I explained to them the use of it, and then I had them doing a practice on the book and they did it correctly. After that, I had them doing a listening in which they remembered about childhood memories. 

It was a very nice class, and my grade was good. 

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012


The third class with intermediate was kind of well although I was nervous because I had someone record my class. There was some trouble with the camara since it was meant to record 40 minutes, but in the moment it just recorded like 20 minutes.

I began the class with a nice warm up that my collegue Lupita shared with me; it is a really good one and it worked perfectly for my class.
The class was to be pretty challenging because of the grammar structure I was to teach and the students didn´t know anything about it. It was defining realtive clauses, so I introduced the topic with a reading from the book. After that, I gave the grammar explanation, then I had some volunteers to provide some examples to check if they had understood, and fortunately they did because they gave some correct examples. Later, I gave them some written exercises for they to practice more on the new topic, and I had some other activities prepared, but time wasn´t enough to continue.

This time I didn´t see my grade, but whichever it is, I´m satisfied with what I achieved and learned with this practice.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012


My second teaching practice with this group was on the last Friday. Thanks God, everything went well; definitely, I was lucky to be assigned such a great group.

I began the class with which required them to speak a lot and they enjoyed it. The rest of the class was easy since I just was required to do a review of the past perfect tense, so I gave a short explanation of it and how to connect simple past clauses with past perfect clauses. After that, I had them doing an exercise on the book which was using a listening. I also had to teach them the use of some useful phrase which I did it using a listening from the book.

I´m glad of doing this practicum because I´m getting used to using my English in a more natural and fluenty way; besides, my fear of speaking in public is going away.

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012


I had my first practice with the intermediate students on last Friday. I must confess that I was extremely nervous, even more than with the previous groups because this group is very large, but fortunately as the class flowed, I became more comfortable and calm and I even enjoyed teaching them.

My tutor teacher urged me to begin the class with a nice warm up since they had been going through a tedious evaluation week, and so I did; everybody participated and got engaged with what I would do next. The topic was easy: modals of deduction, and probably that´s why I felt it was easier to teach that class. I did a listening, but this time I didn´t forget the pre, during and post activities. Then, i continued with the grammar explanation which I think I did kind of well because everybody did well on the short practice I asked them to do after I had explained. Lastly, I took some flashcards of famous and beautiful places around the worls for the students to make deductions about it ( I gave a flashcard per trio). 

The more I teach, the more I understand and learn the process of teaching a foreign language which at the beginning seemed a huge confusion to me and I didn´t know what to do.