lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012


I had my first practice with the intermediate students on last Friday. I must confess that I was extremely nervous, even more than with the previous groups because this group is very large, but fortunately as the class flowed, I became more comfortable and calm and I even enjoyed teaching them.

My tutor teacher urged me to begin the class with a nice warm up since they had been going through a tedious evaluation week, and so I did; everybody participated and got engaged with what I would do next. The topic was easy: modals of deduction, and probably that´s why I felt it was easier to teach that class. I did a listening, but this time I didn´t forget the pre, during and post activities. Then, i continued with the grammar explanation which I think I did kind of well because everybody did well on the short practice I asked them to do after I had explained. Lastly, I took some flashcards of famous and beautiful places around the worls for the students to make deductions about it ( I gave a flashcard per trio). 

The more I teach, the more I understand and learn the process of teaching a foreign language which at the beginning seemed a huge confusion to me and I didn´t know what to do. 

5 comentarios:

  1. I imagined you wouldn't have many difficulties with that group, as I worked with them. It's awesome that your class was entertaining for them. Finally, the flashcards!

  2. There is a said that says: "practice makes the master," so every time we are to teach, there is something new we have to learn, and this is what makes us more experts on this issue. Let me congrats you because you have said that everything went well and now you are understanding more this process of teaching.!!!!!

  3. I am really happy because now you are enjoying your classes and all the things you do for students. I think that we must love what we do in order to feel our burden lighter.

  4. I told you that you were not going to have problems with this group! I have not taught them, but I´ve heard very good comments about them. Also the tutor teacher is really nice. I am glad to know that you are enjoying this experience. :D

  5. Great lily! I`m happy to know that you are learning and enjoying more about been a teacher.I think at the end of the semester all of us will be decided to be teachers! good luck lily!
